Sunday, August 15, 2010

do you?

do u hear me when i talk
do u recognize when i mumble
do u notice the things i said
do u see my eyes when it tries to tell u something
do u think of me when u had fun
do u see the sadness i keep inside
do u see me wearing the black shirt when your eyes close
do u see my tears drop when i cant bear to hold it anymore

ah, i bet u dont

please dont say it if u wont do it. dreaming is all i can do

Uh, i've got 2 tests and 1 assignment due this week. i havent started any yet. it seems like i wouldnt.


  1. jiwa kacau ke mon? xpe..aku kan ade di sisi..haha..hai geng..samela kte xstart..hehe:P

  2. agak kacau la. aku tau ko ada, tp ko jauh :(
    ak da nak start da ni geng. haha
